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Graduate Outcomes

What types of jobs have recent graduates obtained? 

Accounts Manager
Health Data Analyst
Database Administrator
Admissions Coordinator
Utilization/Case Manager
Clinical Research Assistant
Nursing Home Administrator
Clinical Education Coordinator
Physician Practice Administrator
Coding/Reimbursement Consultant
Hospital Department Director/Supervisor
Performance Improvement (Quality Management) Coordinator

Where have recent graduates been employed?

Healthcare Networks
Home Health Agencies
Governmental Agencies
Physician Offices/Clinics 
Long Term Care Facilities
Public Health Departments

What are the starting salaries of recent graduates?

Note: Salaries fluctuate widely based on job responsibilities and employer.

Median Salary: $35,000-$39,900
Range: $25,000-$29,900 to $85,000-$89,900

How successful are EKU graduates on the RHIA exam?

The graduates of the HSA program are incredibly well prepared for the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification exam. Our 2018 pass rate (to date) was 84%.  As a comparison, the national average is normally around 74%.

How quickly do HSA graduates find jobs after graduation?

Approximately 57% of graduates will secure jobs within one month of graduation.  This increases to 71% after three months, and approximately 89% six months after graduation. (Source:  2012-2017 HSA Graduate Statistics)

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